Das Programm SoX (Abkürzung für `Sound eXchange`) liest und schreibt Audio-Dateien nicht nur in allen gängigen, sondern auch in außergewöhnlichem Formaten, und kann diese Dateien mit Effekten verändern. Es kann mehrere Quelldateien kombinieren, Audio synthetisieren und in vielen Systemen als Audio Player oder als Mehrspur-Audiorecorder fungieren.Außerdem kann es in begrenztem umfang eine Quelldatei in mehrere Zieldateien aufsplitten. Alle dies e Funktionen können Sie mit dem sox-Befehl aufrufen. Eine kommentierte Liste aller unterstützten Formate finden Sie in der Datei `soxformat.pdf` im Programm-Archiv.
sox [globale Optionen][format-Optionen] Quell-Datei1 [[format-Optionen] Quelldatei2] ... [format-Optionen] Zieldatei [Effekt [Effekt-Optionen]] ...
Spezielle Befehle sind:
play [globale Optionen][format-Optionen] Quelldatei1 [[format-Optionen] Quelldatei2] ... [format-Optionen] [Effekt [Effekt-Optionen]] ...
rec [globale Optionen][format-Optionen] Zieldatei [Effekt [Effekt-Optionen]] ...
Als Kommandozeilen-Tool soll das Programm schnelle, einfache Bearbeitungen und das Arbeiten mit Batch-Dateien ermöglichen.
sox recital.wav
konvertiert die Audio-Datei ivom Sun-AU-Format ins Microsoft-WAV-Format.
sox ?b 16 recital.wav channels 1 rate 16k fade 3 norm
führt die gleiche Konvertierung durch, wendet aber vier Effekte an (heruntermixen auf einen Kanal, geänderte Sample-Rate, fade-in und mormalisieren) und speichert das Ergebnis in 16 Bit-Tiefe..
sox ?r 16k ?e signed ?b 8 ?c 1 voice-memo.raw voice-memo.wav
konvertiert `raw`-Audio (ohne Tags) in ein selbst beschreibendes Dateiformat.
sox slow.aiff fixed.aiff speed 1.027
justiert die Audio-Geschwindigkeit.
sox short.wav long.wav longer.wav
erzeugt zwei Audiodateien.
sox ?m music.mp3 voice.wav mixed.flac
mixt zwei Audiodateien zusammen.
play "The Moonbeams/Greatest/*.ogg" bass +3
spielt eine Sammlung von Audiodateien ab, wobei ein Bass-Boost-Effekt angewendet wird.
play ?n ?c1 synth sin %?12 sin %?9 sin %?5 sin %?2 fade h 0.1 1 0.1
spielt einen synthetisierten G7-Accord mit einem Orgelpfeifenklang ab.
rec ?c 2 radio.aiff trim 0 30:00
sox December 31, 2014
SYNOPSIS soxi [?V[level]] [?T][?t|?r|?c|?s|?d|?D|?b|?B|?p|?e|?a] infile1 ...
Displays information from the header of a givenaudio file or files. Supported audio file types are listed and described in soxformat(7). Note however,
that soxi is intended for use only with audio files with a selfdescribing header.
By default, as much information as is available is shown. An option may be giventoselect just a single piece of information (perhaps for use in a script
or batch-file).
Tabelle mit 2 Spalten und 18 Reihen
Set verbosity.See sox(1) for details.
Used with multiple files; changes the behaviour of ?s, ?d and ?D to display the total across all
givenfiles. Note that when used with ?s with files with different sampling rates, this is of ques
tionable value.
Showdetected file-type.
Shownumber of channels.
Shownumber of samples (0 if unavailable).
Showduration in hours, minutes and seconds (0 if unavailable). Equivalent to number of samples
divided by the sample-rate.
Showduration in seconds (0 if unavailable).
Shownumber of bits per sample (0 if not applicable).
Showthe bitrate averaged overthe whole file (0 if unavailable).
Showestimated sample precision in bits.
Showthe name of the audio encoding.
Showfile comments (annotations) if available.
Please report anybugs found in this version of SoX to the mailing list (
SEE ALSO sox(1), soxformat(7), libsox(3)
The SoX web site at
Copyright 2008?2013 by Chris Bagwell and SoX Contributors.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) anylater version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;without ev enthe implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Chris Bagwell ( Other authors and contributors are listed in the ChangeLog file that is distributed with the source code.
soxi February 1, 2013
SoXI(1) Sound eXchange SoXI(1)
SoXI ? Sound eXchange Information, display sound file metadata
SYNOPSIS soxi [?V[level]] [?T][?t|?r|?c|?s|?d|?D|?b|?B|?p|?e|?a] infile1 ...
Displays information from the header of a givenaudio file or files. Supported audio file types are listed and described in soxformat(7). Note however,
that soxi is intended for use only with audio files with a selfdescribing header.
By default, as much information as is available is shown. An option may be giventoselect just a single piece of information (perhaps for use in a script
or batch-file).
Tabelle mit 2 Spalten und 18 Reihen
Set verbosity.See sox(1) for details.
Used with multiple files; changes the behaviour of ?s, ?d and ?D to display the total across all
givenfiles. Note that when used with ?s with files with different sampling rates, this is of ques
tionable value.
Showdetected file-type.
Shownumber of channels.
Shownumber of samples (0 if unavailable).
Showduration in hours, minutes and seconds (0 if unavailable). Equivalent to number of samples
divided by the sample-rate.
Showduration in seconds (0 if unavailable).
Shownumber of bits per sample (0 if not applicable).
Showthe bitrate averaged overthe whole file (0 if unavailable).
Showestimated sample precision in bits.
Showthe name of the audio encoding.
Showfile comments (annotations) if available.
Please report anybugs found in this version of SoX to the mailing list (
SEE ALSO sox(1), soxformat(7), libsox(3)
The SoX web site at
Copyright 2008?2013 by Chris Bagwell and SoX Contributors.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) anylater version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;without ev enthe implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Chris Bagwell ( Other authors and contributors are listed in the ChangeLog file that is distributed with the source code.
soxi February 1, 2013
HINWEIS:Wenn Sie lieber mit einer grafischen Oberfläche arbeiten möchten, dann müssen Sie zusätzlich
herunterladen und installieren.
Windows: XP, Vista, 7 und 8
Lizenz: Freeware
Sprache: Englisch
Dateigröße: 2,60 MB
Externer Download-Link: